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Campus Gedung 2 (Gedung Perkuliahan) : Jl. Swadarma Raya No.58, Ulujami, Pesanggrahan, Jakarta Selatan,12250
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Formulate : Online Registration Selection System New Students Prospects and Career Curriculum (Major) Excellence Overall Info   Afternoon/Evening Lecture Program
The following information about the Study Program / Majors / Department and Concentration / Specialization on Universitas Tanri Abeng Jakart along prospectus (job/career prospects, profession, competencies of graduates) and curriculum (compulsory courses, choice, and weight SKS/credits).

Degree program (S-1)
Business Administration (S-1) Business Administration Accreditation B
Accounting (S-1) Accounting Accreditation B
Management (S-1) Management Accreditation B
Communication Studies (S-1) Communication Studies Accreditation B
Architectural Engineering (S-1) Architectural Engineering Accreditation B
Technical Information (S-1) Technical Information Accredited
Electrical Engineering (S-1) Electrical Engineering Accredited
Civil Engineering (S-1) Civil Engineering Accredited
Information Systems (S-1) Information Systems Accredited

SKS Load & Education Period

Study period and study load of students who have taken Regular Program and Businessman Lecture Dki Jakarta (Online Lectures / Blended) follow the standards already set by the government, namely:
Minister's decision (Permendikbudristek) Number 53 in 2023 (please click)
Higher Education Quality Assurance.

ToStudy Load (Credits to be taken)Study Period
Graduate SMA, SMK, equivalent
to S-1 Program
Study Load = 144 - 152 sks8 semester
Graduate D-III, Polytechnic,
Academy, equivalent
to S-1 Program
Study Load = 40 - 46 sks
(If not a piece of science additional are given 2 - 21 sks)
3 semester
Graduate D2, S1, D1,
Transfer to S1
Calculated from remaining creditsCalculated from remaining credits

Prospectus and Curriculum Study Program / Majors / Department

(Required/Elective Courses, Job/Career Prospects, Profession, and Competencies of Graduates)
Table of Contents
1.Business Administration (S-1)
2.Accounting (S-1)
3.Management (S-1)
4.Communication Studies (S-1)
5.Architectural Engineering (S-1)
6.Technical Information (S-1)
7.Electrical Engineering (S-1)
8.Civil Engineering (S-1)
9.Information Systems (S-1)

1. S1 Business Administration

Graduate Degree : S.A.B. or S.IAB. or S.Sos.
Graduate Competencies S1 Business Administration

Why Choose Business Administration?

The majority of universities in Indonesia do not equip their graduates to be a reliable and ready-to-use professional to become a leader in the business field in the future and focus more on the deepening aspects of the theory. In fact, currently Indonesia is very short of professionals in the business field that are ready to use and reliable that can bring Indonesia's economy to a higher level.

TAU's Business Administration study program is here to produce graduates who are ready to use, reliable, and business and management professionals; produce graduates who can compete equally and even outperform business professionals at the global level. This study program offers a multi-business curriculum that prepares graduates to become managers and entrepreneurs in the business field.

To accommodate students' interests and talents in business, TAU's Business Administration study program offers five concentrations, namely Entrepreneurship, Investment Banking, Strategy and Innovation, International Business, and Islamic Banking.

After completing the study at the TAU Business Administration program, graduates of this study program are expected to be able to:

  1. Business Knowledge: has a strong technical understanding in the field of business and management;
  2. Critical Thinking Skills: is able to define, analyze, and design comprehensive but practical solutions to business problems using scientific, structured, planned, methodical, and accurate data and responsible;
  3. Communication Skills: has competence in good business communication to support a career as a business professional and as an entrepreneur;
  4. Expertise in Technology: has the competence in using modern and up-to-date technology to support business development;
  5. Entrepreneurship and Innovation: has the competence in developing new businesses and innovating in the business field for new and existing businesses, and identifying businesses that have high growth potential.

With regard to career, TAU's Business Administration study program graduates have good and broad career prospects in various fields; they can choose careers including: management trainee , management consultants & amp; business, investment bankers, business planners, business analysts, business economists, general managers, financial planners, financial managers, executive officers, business researchers, and project managers.

Courses S1 Business Administration

Semester 1 - 2

Students will be provided with business basics that are important for developing a business framework and strong managerial skills, such as understanding of Accounting and Finance and the basics of Management and Entrepreneurship.

Semester 3 - 4

Students will still be provided with business basics that are important for developing a business framework and strong managerial skills, such as understanding the importance of Leadership and Economics in managing and making business decisions. However, technical and specialist courses have been introduced in this semester.

Semester 5 - 6

In this semester students will study courses that are more operational, managerial, and specialist, which correspond to their chosen majors; these courses will equip them with technical expertise to become a professional manager in any field of business.

Semester 7 - 8

In the last year students were given the opportunity to finalize the understanding of business theories and concepts that they had learned in class from the first to the third year and apply them through the implementation of work internships and the applicative writing of the final case study business case. Thus they have complete and mature competencies when graduating from TAU, because they have understood the business theories and applications in the real world.

2. S1 Accounting

Graduate Degree : S.Ak. or S.A. or S.E.
Graduate Competencies S1 Accounting

Why Choose Accounting?

Accounting is a business language

Accounting is about how to communicate economic value information from a business activity to interested parties.

The accounting study program is designed as a study program that is highly competitive, full of challenges and requires tenacity to prepare critical thinking, problem solving, oral and written communication, decision making and requires continuous learning after graduation.

Our undergraduate accounting program prioritizes practitioner approaches by encouraging and ensuring students to master accounting science through practice.

Bachelor of accounting is a comprehensive study program to prepare graduate quality required by accounting organizations in Indonesia and internationally. students will also be enriched with the knowledge gained from practical work experience.

By having a bachelor's degree in accounting from TANRI ABENG UNIVERSITY, you as a graduate have mastered a solid and solid accounting knowledge foundation and have a strong understanding in the fields of management, business and entrepreneurship.

To succeed in studying in the Accounting study program, students are expected to have a high level of maturity, motivation and self-discipline.

In the accounting program students are assessed based on how far their preparation and performance level is

Each class holds around 20 students, which will ensure an ongoing discussion during the learning process.

Job Opportunities
Accounting undergraduate graduates from TAU can choose a career below but not only limited to this career example:

  • Accountant
  • Management accountant
  • Auditor
  • Banker
  • Analyze budget
  • Credit Analyst
  • Green environmental accountant
  • Financial Analyst
  • Financial Planner
  • Financial statement analyst
  • Forensic Accountant
  • Internal Auditor
  • Accountants for mergers and acquisition
  • Tax accountant
  • Student competencies

    TAU graduates are expected to have the following competencies

    • Applying generally accepted accounting principles for recording and communicating daily business activities to interested parties
    • Analyze financial statements to support effective financial decision making
    • Able to demonstrate knowledge in the world of work in the areas of taxation, auditing, management accountants, internal control and accounting information systems

Courses S1 Accounting

First year

In the first year, students will learn basic knowledge of accounting. students will also study subjects in economics, entrepreneurship, mathematics, statistics, management and business law. So that students will be introduced to basic knowledge and skills needed by the accounting profession organizations in Indonesia and internationally.

Second year

In the second year, students will be directed to develop analytical skills and deepen understanding of knowledge in accounting. students will be introduced to the main courses of financial accounting, management accounting, financial management, taxation, leadership and professional ethics. It is expected that students can improve theoretical and practical knowledge in accounting and business environments.

Third year

In the third year, students will be enriched in accounting and finance. students will also have extensive knowledge about auditing, internal control, financial statement analysis. students will implement their knowledge in accordance with the desired specialization. (Certain specializations will only be available for international class programs).

Fourth year

In the last year, students will implement the theory and knowledge they already have into the world of work through an internship program. The program will provide an opportunity to develop its main expertise and gain real work experience in the accounting profession. In the end the student / student is expected to make a thesis as a final project to fulfill the requirements to be able to graduate from the accounting study program at TANRI ABENG UNIVERSITY

3. S1 Management

Graduate Degree : S.M. or S.Mn. or S.E.
Graduate Competencies S1 Management

Why Choose Management?

Ready to Go Professionally
Learning programs in the Management & nbsp; study program & nbsp; designed so that students can be ready to plunge professionally both in the business world and in the world of work both in Indonesia and globally. For that we build student expertise not only academically but also soft skills.

Our curriculum is designed so & nbsp; student & nbsp; not only learn about Management theory in depth & nbsp; but also its application in the world of work / business by following the times. & nbsp; & nbsp; In addition, students will develop the ability to analyze, communicate, solve problems and team building.

Active. Professional. Fun

We implement a learning system with several methods so as to provide a unique experience for students. Satisfaction survey conducted stated that 98% of students of Management Study Program were satisfied with the system and experience they had gained at TAU ​​such as the testemony of TAU students and alumni.

"When applying at Tanri Abeng University, I knew it from the start that this university will help me to enhance and develop my capabilities to be professional. TAU has shaped my critical thinking both in-class and practical. TAU internship had helped me in finding my true passion on career. And the TAU fast-track program has given me to an opportunity to be one-step ahead of others. "& Nbsp; Zulfania Zulhari S. Alumni-International Finance student.

& nbsp; "There are so many positive things I received from the studying process through academic and non-academic activities. All discussion session went very natural and constructive. The environment within the School of Management itself is very convenient for me personally, and as a major Marketing member team to achieve many things, including; winning the university's annual event TAUphoria. "& nbsp; Pitrayadi Subakrie. Marketing Student

After graduation students can:

  1. Applying theory and knowledge to the world of work.
  2. Shows the ability to analyze and solve problems in various aspects of business such as finance, marketing and management
  3. Multiply and process information from various sources.
  4. Take decisions in a number of situations with available data
  5. Plan and manage existing resources to achieve the goal.
  6. Communicate effectively both verbally and in writing.
  7. Implement ethical principles in business so that they can work fairly, ethically and professionally.

Courses S1 Management

Semester 1 - 2

Students learn basic knowledge and systems in the field of Management such as Human Resource Management, Marketing, finance and others. Besides that, character development and soft skills such as studying Anti Corruption and Business Communication.

Semester 3 - 4

Students explore other important aspects of Management science such as Organizational Behavior, International Business, business law and leadership. Students start taking concentration (Marketing / Finance) courses such as Financial Statement Analysis and Corporate Finance to concentrate on Finance and Consumer Behavior and Marketing Research to concentrate Marketing.

Semester 5 - 6

Students study more in-depth courses according to their chosen field of study as well as advanced courses in Management science such as Feasibity study, Managerial Accounting and Research Method as preparation for final assignment writing.

Semester 7 - 8

Students conduct an internship program. After the apprenticeship program is completed, students do the final assignment.

4. S1 Communication Studies

Graduate Degree : S.I.K. or S.I.Kom. or S.K. or S.Sos.
Competency S1 Science Communication


  1. Students are expected to have good individual character, leadership, good teamwork, and understanding of professional ethics to be useful in the world of work.
  2. Students are expected to be able to think creatively, innovatively, and strategically in designing communication program planning.
  3. Students are expected to master writing techniques and be able to manage company media.
  4. Students are expected to master the skills of presentation, negotiation, and also all forms of activities public speaking.
  5. Students are expected to be able to design an event and also other forms of communication activities.
  6. Students are expected to be able to be independent as entrepreneurs by developing all types of businesses in the field of Communication Sciences.
  7. Students are expected to master the expertise in the field of research


Graduates from the Communication Studies Program, Corporate Communication Concentration can have a career as:

  • Public Relations Consultant
  • Corporate Communication Manager
  • Public Relations Manager (Private / Government)
  • Strategic Communication and Campaign Consultant
  • Public Relations & amp; Marketing Consultant
  • Brand Manager
  • Campaign Director
  • Communication consultant
  • Strategic Communication manager.
  • Corporate Affairs Manager
  • Researcher
  • Corporate Secretary
  • Strategy Planning Manager
  • Publicist
  • Event Organizer Manager

Courses S1 Communication Science

First year

Students learn basic knowledge in the field of Communication Science and also strengthen the basis of positive values ​​in order to become graduates with character and responsibility.

Second year

Students learn various concepts and theories in the field of Communication Sciences. In the second semester of the second year, students began to focus on subjects for the concentration of Corporate Communication.

Third year

Students learn various concepts and theories in the concentration of Corporate Communication. Students also study several practical courses that support their knowledge and competence. In addition, students study the methodology and also Ethics and Communication Philosophy courses to strengthen the scientific foundation.

Fourth Year

Students are ready to do work practices and also do thesis as a graduation requirement.

5. S1 Architectural Engineering

Graduate Degree : S.Ars. or S.T. or Ir.
Graduates' Competencies S1 Architectural Engineering

Why Choose Architecture Technique?

TAU Architecture is the only Architecture school in Indonesia that offers Architecture education based on Green Architecture (Green Architecture) or Sustainable Architecture (Sustainable Architecture). Green Architecture is a planning approach that has the principle of not damaging nature, earth and human life.

Professor Robert Vale, author of "Green Architecture Design for A Sustainable Future" with Professor Brenda Vale, had praised TAU Architecture as the only architecture in the world school that openly offered Architectural education programs that based on Green Architecture and Sustainability.

In its young age, TAU Architecture has been involved in various international activities such as seminars and student programs abroad.

  1. Students are expected to have the ability to make architectural drawing products that are in accordance with the standards needed in the world of work.
  2. Students are expected to have the ability to design energy-efficient buildings that apply the principle of sustainable architecture.
  3. Students are expected to have the ability to conduct research related to energy-efficient buildings and sustainable built environments.
  4. Student graduates from the Architecture study program can pursue careers in various fields such as architecture, interior, construction management, urban planning, research and property developers.

Courses S1 Architectural Engineering

Semester 1 - 2

Students are prepared to master basic drawing techniques, make models and make energy-efficient building designs.

Semester 3 - 4

Students are directed to deepen the theory and application of sustainable architecture through the task of designing energy-efficient buildings and the introduction of building design using computer software.

Semester 5 - 6

Students are directed to be able to conduct scientific research related to sustainable architecture and are able to develop design capabilities in the tasks of designing energy-efficient buildings on a regional scale.

Semester 7 - 8

Students carry out practical work and start preparing the Final Project and thesis projects.

6. S1 Technical Information

Graduate Degree : S.T. or S.Kom. or S.Si. or Ir.
Competencies of Graduates S1 Informatics Engineering

Why Choose Informatics & nbsp;?

With the rapid advancement in technology, the Informatics Engineering study program is present to meet the needs of today's industry. The latest use of technology in the learning of this study program provides an interesting experience for students and students at Tanri Abeng University.

Supported by international certification from Oracle Academy , students graduating from Informatics Engineering study programs & nbsp; are able to compete professionally both domestically and abroad.

  1. Students are expected to be able to design and develop applications that are suitable for industrial needs.
  2. Students are expected to master the latest Programming Languages ​​(Java, Android)
  3. Students are expected to design and develop all types of technology-based businesses (technopreneurship)
  4. Graduates from Informatics Engineering can pursue careers as Application Developers, Web Developers, Programmers, IT specialists, and Technopreneur .

Courses S1 Technical Information

Semester 1 - 2

Students are prepared with basic knowledge in technology and character development to produce graduates who are ready to become entrepreneurs.

Semester 3 - 4

Students will learn about system analysis and programming language fundamentals that are needed in the industrial world. In this second year students are also provided with certificates from Oracle Academy.

Semester 5 - 6

In this semester, students are expected to focus on certain technology fields such as Software Engineering, Mobile Programming and Multimedia. And it is expected that students are ready to make projects from the knowledge they have received.

Semester 7 - 8

Students will do practical work in an industrial place that requires IT staff and students will be prepared to do thesis and final assignments for graduation requirements

7. S1 Electrical Engineering

Graduate Degree : S.T. or Ir.
Graduates Competence S1 Electrical Engineering

Why Choose the Eletro Technique?

Electro Engineering & nbsp; Study Program is directed to " Center of Excellence " in learning and research, with specialization in the field of & nbsp; the latest communication technology and electrical energy management. Electrical Engineering is the core of the modern world, from computers to digital circuits, photonic and including renewable and electro-medical energy. Potential & nbsp; and opportunities as Electrical Engineering graduates vary greatly, ranging in career in the telecommunications, information technology, automotive, energy, aerospace (space) sectors.

After completing studies at the TAU Electrical Engineering program, graduates of this study program are expected to be able to:

1. Students are expected to have the ability to & nbsp; analyze, design and build systems based on electronic control and instrumentation technology, telecommunications technology and computer networks, electronic technology in the context of renewable energy techniques.
2. Students are expected to have the ability to conduct research related to control electronics and instrumentation technology, telecommunications technology and computer networks, electronic technology in the context of renewable energy techniques.
3. & nbsp; Graduates from Engineering & Electrical study programs & nbsp; can have a career & nbsp; in the telecommunications, information technology, automotive, energy, aerospace (space) sectors.

Courses S1 Electrical Engineering

Semester 1 - 2

Students will be prepared to master basic physics, chemistry, mathematics and electrical engineering.

Semester 3 - 4

Students are directed to deepen the theory of electrical measurement, electrical circuits, digital engineering, modulation techniques, data communication techniques and computer networks, computer architecture, Power and Control Electronics, Control System and Microcontroller Techniques.

Semester 5 - 6

Students are directed to be able to conduct scientific research related to the design of control and instrumentation electronics systems, telecommunications systems and computer networks, electronic systems in the context of renewable energy techniques and develop the ability to analyze, design and develop the above systems.

Semester 7 - 8

Students carry out practical work and start preparing the Final Project and thesis projects.

8. S1 Civil Engineering

Graduate Degree : S.T. or Ir.
Graduate Competencies S1 Civil Engineering

Why Choose Civil Engineering?

Civil Engineering Study Program TANRI ABENG UNIVERSITY offers research-based Civil Engineering education to support the acceleration of Indonesia's environmentally friendly infrastructure development.

Civil Engineering studies the design and construction of physical buildings for transportation infrastructure such as roads, bridges, canals, dams, airports, ports, housing, high-level buildings, infra-structure of the petrochemical industry and offshore platforms. Civil Engineering graduates work in the city, national, private sector up to multi-national companies.

In his young age, TAU Civil Engineering has been involved in various international activities such as seminars and student programs at home and abroad.

After completing the study at TAU ​​Civil Engineering, the graduate of this study program is expected to be able to:

  1. Students are expected to have the ability to make detailed drawing products of engineering drawings that are in accordance with the standards required in the world of work.
  2. Students are expected to have the ability to design buildings that apply the principles of environmentally friendly structures.
  3. Students are expected to have the ability to conduct research related to environmentally friendly buildings.
  4. Graduates from Civil Engineering study programs can have careers in various fields such as planning consultants and high-level building contractors, transportation infrastructure such as bridges, highways, railroads, airports and ports, petro-chemical and loose industrial infrastructure beach.

Courses S1 Civil Engineering

Semester 1 - 2

Students will be prepared to master the basic techniques of fiska, chemistry, mathematics and draw design of buildings.

Semester 3 - 4

Students are directed to deepen the theory of technical mechanics and load the structure of the truss through building design tasks using computer software and practicum testing structures, static and dynamic loads in the structure and hydraulics laboratories.

Semester 5 - 6

Students are directed to be able to conduct scientific research related to infrastructure design and are able to develop design capabilities in environmentally friendly building design tasks.

Semester 7 - 8

Students carry out practical work and start preparing the Final Project and thesis projects.

9. S1 Information Systems

Graduate Degree : S.S.I. or S.Kom. or S.T. or S.Si. or Ir.
Graduates Competence S1 Petroleum Engineering

After completing the study in the TAU Information System program, graduates of this study program are expected to be able to:

  1. Students are expected to be able to design and build information systems that suit the needs of the business world and the industrial world and are able to & nbsp; provide information system solutions and & nbsp; explore and evaluate the strategic value of the use of IT to achieve organizational goals.
  2. Students are expected to master the development, utilization and management of Information Systems / Information Technology in an organization
  3. Students are expected to design and develop all types of technology-based businesses (technopreneurship)
  4. Student graduates from Information Systems can have careers as Business Process & nbsp; Analyst, Business System Analyst, System Designer, Information System Analyst, & nbsp; Information System Project Managers, Information System Auditors, Enterprise Architect, & Enterprise Resource Planning Specialists .

Courses S1 Information Systems

Semester 1 - 2

Students are prepared with basic knowledge in technology and character development to produce graduates who are ready to become entrepreneurs.

Semester 3 - 4

Students will learn about system analysis and fundamental programming languages that are needed in the industrial world. In this second year students are also provided with certificates from Oracle Academy.

Semester 5 - 6

Entering the third year students are expected to focus on the field of information systems such as System Analysis and Design, Accounting Information System, Customer Relationship Management and Information System Development and it is expected that students are ready to make an Information System project from the knowledge that has been received.

Semester 7 - 8

Students are ready to do thesis and final assignment for graduation requirements.

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Businessman Lecture Dki Jakarta (Online Lectures / Blended) Universitas Tanri Abeng Jakart   ⌚   TANRI ABENG UNIVERSITY Jakarta   ⌚   Quality of Teaching and Learning A+